• My Dad is out of surgery & doing well. They replaced his ankle, which has been immensely painful. Surprisingly they may release him tomorrow #
  • @johntobin. @skidmarek sorry, I'm on top now! Wow that sounds dirty. Happy one day out of 365 John! #
  • Saw a beautiful house last night. If we can get the financing we are going to put in an offer. Sorry to our 'burbs friends; its in the city. #
  • Fantasic:waking up & snuggling with my son. Awful:the above but having to watch the #Wiggles. Get those songs out of my head!! #
  • So far my "friends" have been tormenting me by responding with #Wiggles lyrics. I hate you all. Sitting in a meeting with thosesongsinmyhead #
  • Show support for democracy in Iran add green overlay to your Twitter avatar with 1-click – http://helpiranelection.com/ #

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