- At #raptors with my son. Too bad he plays better than them tonight and he's 2! (@ Air Canada Centre w/ 19 others) http://4sq.com/5ATERT #
- Interesting; its Turkey night @raptors and they are truly playing like turkeys. Maybe its because they are stuffed. #raptors #
- Wow. From @adobe: Content Aware Fill: http://bit.ly/90msyG This is amazing stuff & has some great(&scary) applications #
- I just unlocked the "Local" badge on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/d065ep #
- Friday night & in bed at 8 with a touch of the stomach flu. At least I'm not tweeting from the bathroom (or am I?) #ineeditalicsorevilvoice #
- Just had an Involtini – pulled pork wrapped in ribeye w/goat cheese at Gio Rana's Really Really Nice Restaurant. Oh My was it good! #
- I just unlocked the "Super User" badge on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/chfEdf #
- I just unlocked the "Crunked" badge on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/ckWErE #
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