• RT @capricecrane: The one day of the year accepting candy from a huge rabbit is okay and not a sign you should quit drugs. Happy Easter! #
  • RT @davewiner: The fanboys are all hailing a naked emperor. This thing is about as useful as the PC jr. –I <3 PC Jr ref!! I'm an old geek #
  • Hmm @RichardWiseman is thinking 'I don't believe her breasts come out to there as per her gesture. Now how do I prove that theory?' in reply to RichardWiseman #
  • . @RichardWiseman 'if only I had an iPad I could be tweeting about this meeting!' #caption in reply to RichardWiseman #
  • I'm at the #Masters !! #
  • What #Tiger really wanted to say at his press conference: http://www.goofingaround.ca/tiger2 #joke #
  • If the people who followed Arnold Palmer around were called "Arnie's Army" can we call the people following #Tiger "Tiger's Harem"? #
  • A redhead tells her blond sister, "I slept with a Brazilian."
    The sister says, " O M G, you slut! How many is Brazilian?" #joke #
  • I just became the mayor of 500 QQ on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/9rbsD6 #
  • I <3 standing in the rain at rush hour waiting on the #ttc Don't they know to run MORE trains at the rush times? #fail #shittyservice #
  • Hope my friend @johntobin doesn't come back from the UK with one of those fake British accents. #
  • Told my wife to scrap the carpet and put in hard wood so she slapped me for talking dirty #
  • Let's go Raptors! At the pivotal game with Cooper and Angie. (@ Air Canada Centre w/ 22 others) http://4sq.com/5ATERT #
  • The #raptors are getting spanked by da bulls. My wife wishes SHE was a raptor! #

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