• At the @eddieizzard show. Getting packed. Surprised he isn't plaing Canadian music. And damn is it hot in here! #hopeeddiedoesntgotoples #
  • Great time tonight @eddieizzard with @skidmarek & @johntobin and our respective spouses. Too bad EI didn't do the Jeff Vadar routine #
  • Was having so much fun at my baseball game playing with my son that I missed 4 innings. His laugh & smile so worth it. #gotmyprioritiesright #
  • In a training session where the lead keeps referring to "fluid adjustment breaks". I feel like I should be getting a blood transfusion. #
  • Summer in the city = short skirts. Summer in the country = blacflies. Why am I moving again? #
  • Yoda is so old he remembers when yo' momma was pretty. #swmatchgame #
  • Ok the first time I had a bird attack me was last year & I must have walked near it's nest. But getting attacked AGAIN? Now I think it's me. #
  • @karinaling this time it was a small black bird. Last year lots of loud tweets before attack. This time just dive bombed me. How was Guu? in reply to karinaling #
  • @JasonInMilton thank you! I think this may be my first #ff I won't let you down! 😉 in reply to JasonInMilton #
  • Before I had a son I didn't know that Saturday had a 6:30am. #
  • Awake at 4am and my 2yo is not in bed with us. Panic & check on him; he's fine. Now I can't sleep. #ironic #

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