- Some funny/rude Beetle Baily strips that they show in Europe in a book. Want to see these in the Sunday Funnies. http://www.bit.ly/bawdybeetle #
- Is the interweb down? I can't get anywhere on my iPhone or laptop. Anyone? #yesIknowtheironyofpostingthis #
- @kosciejew Congratulations! PiMPing on it's way. in reply to kosciejew #
- It's amazing the frequency of tweets that have #ttcfail or #microsoftfail Maybe #apple should buy them both & lock them down. #applebuysTTC #
- New: #ttc runs only on Apple approved streets. Say goodbye to fringe service. #ApplebuysTTC #
- Also the #ttc bus won't be on any street that has a strip club on it. You know how #apple feels about porn. #ApplebuysTTC #
- @johntobin what happened? in reply to johntobin #
- Happy Canada day! Just saw Dora the Explorer & now dancing to a band (@ Albion Hills Conservation Park) http://4sq.com/cyTwH3 #
- I picked a bad week to stop sniffing glue. Airplane turns 30 today! Surely you'll want to take this quiz –> http://bit.ly/aidhkC #
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