- A 10k bike ride yesterday & a 5k one today pulling my son in a trailer. I didn’t think I’d get to do that with my #arthritis. I win! #
- Wife w/ the remote. I thought it was men with short attention spans. Granted there is NOTHING on tv anyway. Reruns and reality tv sux. #
- Congratulations to #Toronto! Made Life Magazine’s Top Ten Photographed Cities: http://digg.com/d1qG7D #
- Just started getting tweets to my phone again. #Rogers must have made a deal with Twitter. #
- My wife, while not a prolific tweeter is extremely funny. Follow @Angie_Elliott #
- A lot of fuss over the #torontoislandairport for nothing.It was there 1st and people moved next to it,the new planes make virtually no noise #
- Sitting in my car during a rainstorm with my son sound asleep. His rythmic breathing/sboring is very calming and peaceful with the raindrops #
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