• RT @badbanana A conference call is like a bus ride. I want it to end as quickly as possible, preferably with nobody talking to me. #
  • @RichardWiseman #tweetad. I'm so bring it will make you feel good about yourself. in reply to RichardWiseman #
  • @RichardWiseman #tweetad. I'm so boring it will make you feel good about yourself to follow me. in reply to RichardWiseman #
  • RT @Scobleizer: RT(others)Best use of Twitter EVER http://bit.ly/1s9veR <–who needs a watch when you have this?! Hah! Works for my UK peeps #
  • RT @brundle_fly: RT @PaigeSaid: OH: Leafs jump line for H1N1 shots. That's the most shots they've had in one night. — v funny b/c its TRUE #
  • RT @tremendousnews Again, at the *time* I asked her for a twitpic, my W key was broken. Why is that so creepy? #

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