- RT @johnperrybarlow: A line I just overheard at dinner: "PowerPoint is corporate karioke." – very very true. "Let me read to you" #
- Interesting. Dora the Explorer and Stewie Griffen have the same football shaped head. Mystery father. #wifewithtoomuchtimeonherhands #
- RT @wilw My fellow hockey fans have probably seen this already: the NHL's top secret suspension flowchart. http://is.gd/4SRA7 #
- RT @wilw: (&others) RT @FakeAPStylebook The antecedent for "she" in "that's what she said" is generally understood to be "your mom." #
- Insane things we do for our kids: camped out in the cold 3 hours before the Santa Claus parade even starts to get a good spot. #
- Forecasters said 14c today. Sure. I'm dressed for 0c and still cold. Can't trust weather people or economists. #SantaClausParade #
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