- Interesting movie review, I'm sure @johntobin will make me see it:RT @DrewFromTV: All the weed in the world couldn't make 2012 not suck. #
- Very neat: Confirmed: R2-D2 Finally Discovered In Star Trek (IMAGE): http://digg.com/d31A7kk?t #
- The TTC is limiting token sales to 5 per shot, effectively saying 'we don't want you to spend now, spend MORE later'. #ihatettc #ttcfail #
- Vrygd:RT @brundle_fly 2.5 years later, why isn't the website finished? a list of excuses from a freelance developer. http://bit.ly/2grGYC #
- @johntobin this is for you! RT @brundle_fly cool~!! http://i.imgur.com/7tLZ8.jpg #
- Seriously: When did white stockings over black leggings & white shorts get in style? Time to raid the tickle trunk. http://twitpic.com/pvug9 #
- RT @joshacagan: Listened to about 30 seconds of "Katy Perry Unplugged" before I realized it had nothing to do with life support. #
- If you use #Bell Canada for anything, you might want to check your bill: they are miscalculating the TAX: http://www.goofingaround.ca/bell #
- How you doing? #RejectedTwitterQuestions #
- What is wrong with people? Today, long streetcar line & some dork bypasses the line & no 1 said anything! I fought a guy on this last week #
- The #ttc is so frustrating, late, busy & now expensive it is time to find another way to get to work. At $6 day I can find cheap parking. #
- @kosciejew but what about the cheese? What was the best cheese? in reply to kosciejew #
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