- Won the BMO 'show us your blue' contest today at the #Raptor game & the Raps won! Great game to go to with my wife and son. #
- Cops at the door. #holidayruined4wordsorless #
- Oh, HE's your MOM? #holidayruined4wordsorless #
- Crap: @lee_elliott's coming over. #holidayruined4wordsorless #
- "Mommy's in Grandpa's bed. #holidayruined4wordsorless #
- Liquor cabinet is empty. #holidayruined4wordsorless from Julie Horne #
- A good one:RT @allthesepieces: Puppy needed breathing holes #holidayruined4wordsorless #
- Q:What do the Reindeer wives do while the guys are out pulling Santa's sleigh on Christmas eve?
A:They go to town & blow a few bucks. #Joke # - @ThatKevinSmith What are the odds of getting the steal of the day signed by Jay (Jason Mewes) as well? in reply to ThatKevinSmith #
- I think this has become my new motto: Dilligaf! http://www.goofingaround.ca/dilligaf Cute video, sound is definitely NSFW. #
- You brightened my day. http://i.imgur.com/6MX70.jpg #
- Wow, they have replaced the holy water at church with hand sanitizer! #
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