• Saw Adam G. At Bloor subway. Wanted warn the female passengers that he may try to have sex with them but it won't improve the #ttc service #
  • I swear if the names weren't different that this could have been written by my friend @johntobin: http://digg.com/d31MjOm #
  • Having problems keeping your earbuds in? Do what I do: use binder clips on yoir ears. Or staples. #
  • I just became the mayor of Elliott Sawyer mansion on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/dqQH8w #
  • In Augusta the weekend before #Masters is very cool. All locals are bugging out like a hurricane is coming. I guess it is: Media & #Tiger #
  • RT @capricecrane: Anna Paquin: "I'm bisexual." Husband Stephen Moyer: "I support my wife's decision to see women. In our bed. With me." #
  • RT @badbanana: They should make an iPad with a fold-open keyboard that can sit on your lap. #
  • I'm going to the #Masters A friend of my sister gave us a pair of passes to Monday's practice. Very excited, but miss my wife & son at home #

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