- RT @capricecrane: I was just informed "The Junos" are the Canadian Grammys, and not Teen Promiscuity Awards. Well, I'm not watching now. #
- @JasonInMilton best reply of the day! Made my wife and I chuckle. in reply to JasonInMilton #
- Sitting overlooking the water eating ice cream. Life is good (@ Queen's Quay Terminal) http://4sq.com/5irTjr #
- Just heard from a friend at another company that their EDW project is going so poorly the acronym is really: Everything Doesn't Work. #oops #
- RT @badbanana: Efficient Staff Meetings. Choose two. #
- On his deathbed Earl Woods gave his son Tiger this advice: "Focus on golf: fuck everything else."#tiger #joke #
- Using the new #twitter client for the #bb Nice, clean & functional. However, not as good as #ubertwitter Seems slower #
- Wow. awesome: http://digg.com/d31OxnX Cynicism never had a chance. I love people with a positive attitude & this kid definitely has one. #
- @karinaling did you ask what his fav twitter client is? in reply to karinaling #
- Great. #HST protest blocking all of Yonge and Carlton. Natives protesting with drums. #
- They are not moving. Right at rush hour. #HSTprotest #toronto #
- I just became the mayor of Spadina wave deck on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/c5CPXN #
- @karinaling where did you go and how was it? in reply to karinaling #
- Trying some hot yoga. Keeping a shirt on (nobody wants to see hot/sweaty/fat!) (@ Moksha Yoga Downtown) http://4sq.com/7fSxFY #
- Hot yoga was good. Only issue was that the only other man at the place was built like a Greek god! 6 packabs #ihatehimbecauseiamamoundofflab #
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