• Do you think the original iPhone qualifies to be on the Antiques Roadshow? #oldtechneedslovetoo #
  • @Richardsonian you must be really bored at work. in reply to Richardsonian #
  • Very cool video: I know you want to be Canadian: http://youtu.be/mWQf13B8epw #
  • Cool earthquake. Bolton shook like crazy. #
  • I've lived in San Francisco. Toronto, this was a large truck that happened to drive past all our buildings at the same time. #earthquake #
  • Watching #Germany play in the #WorldCup & just noticed that there is no colour commentator. Just a play by play guy who is colourful. #
  • Some of your instincts change when you have a kid: laying with my feet out of bed & touched. Old habit: kick. New habit: reach out & pick up #
  • @Richardsonian was this made by the motherinlaw or from a restaurant? I wouldn't have Greek today: Greece lost. Lot of Greeks distracted in reply to Richardsonian #
  • @JasonInMilton why don't you? No iPhone? in reply to JasonInMilton #
  • @coffeeandsamosa Leave it to Ottawa to get jealous over yet another thing we do. I think we should let them have the #g20 as compensation in reply to coffeeandsamosa #
  • @johntobin I love how you are still shocked by the ineptitude of M$. Your optimism for them knows no bounds. #ifitisstupiditsMicrosoft in reply to johntobin #
  • Home without the wife around. Time to… Reinstall the O/S on the laptop. OMG I AM A GEEK! #shockingrealization #
  • Son sleeping in the back of the car & I'm reading the disturbing tweets from yesterday & 2day on #g20 Anyone in a mask should be arrested. #
  • I'm very pro-free speech & defend my rights vigorously, however the thugs in masks are out for violence and mayhem. Must be stopped. #g20 #

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