• @brundle_fly in the future let me know when you want to go to Jays game. I get tix at 50% off. (I work for Rogers) in reply to brundle_fly #
  • @brundle_fly sorry. Had a bad twitter week. Feel like a junky missing my twitfix in reply to brundle_fly #
  • Saw a really cool ad and was going to retweet it but remembered @johntobin & his complaint that all I do is retweet. Sorry. Blame him #
  • RT @paulandstorm: [P] (edit) I thought this was a 4chan Photoshop until I saw it on the Warner Bros. site. #AdFAIL http://bit.ly/9nLF2g #
  • 5k men were asked to complete a survey on what they liked best about oral sex:
    3% the warmth; 4% the sensation; 93% appreciated the silence #
  • @Richardsonian was going to make a comment about 'isn't that what wives are for' but thought I should just say 'where's the Nutella?' in reply to Richardsonian #

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