- I can't say enough about how brilliant @timminchin is. Have to watch all his stuff and give him $. "if you love me" http://bit.ly/cBC7Hv #
- I think Upsy Daisy isn't wearing underwear in this episode. #needkidstogetthisreference #
- Great video "Dad Life" http://youtu.be/DOKuSQIJlog Sent to me by @Richardsonian Any fathers out there have to watch this. #
- Great Big Sea! Yoo hoo! $25 for parking. Boo hoo. (@ The Molson Amphitheatre w/ 13 others) http://4sq.com/bToCUQ #
- Great nite with @joetek @johntobin @greatbigsean and our spouses at the #GBS concert. Good friends=good times #
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